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Join date: Dec 19, 2023


Daniel is an entrepreneur, solar expert and master electrician. With more than 18 years of experience in the solar industry, Daniel started Solectric from the ground up to offer hands on service for his customers. He prides himself in educating his customer about solar power and cutting-edge systems so that they can make important decisions for their families, investments and budgets.

“I don’t have enough great things to say about this company. Daniel is not only extremely knowledgeable about his craft but he is extremely professional. His prices are hard to beat and you get a great final product!” - Fred M.

He knows the solar energy industry inside and out and thrives to bring a smooth process to his residential and commercial solar energy customers. With close connections to many of the building code officials, he has perfected the permitting process and helps his customers with a complete turn-around solutions. Daniel wants to take all the hassle off his customers hands and will personally handle all steps of the process.

Daniel Navarette

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